Quotation Explorer - 'Rosa Luxemburg'

Being human means throwing your whole life on the scales of destiny when need be, all the while rejoicing in every sunny day and every beautiful cloud. - Rosa Luxemburg
Those who do not move, do not notice their chains. - Rosa Luxemburg
What presents itself to us as bourgeois legality is nothing but the violence of the ruling class, a violence raised to an obligatory norm from the outset. - Rosa Luxemburg
Sonjuschka, Liebste, seien Sie trotz alledem ruhig und heiter. So ist das Leben, und so muß man es nehmen, tapfer, unverzagt und lächelnd trotz alledem."(Letters to Sonja Liebknecht) - Rosa Luxemburg
Freiheit ist immer die Freiheit des AndersdenkendenFreedom is always, and exclusively, freedom for the one who thinks differently. - Rosa Luxemburg
Freedom is always the freedom of the dissenter (Freheit ist immer die Freiheit der Andersdenkenden) - Rosa Luxemburg
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